Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Junior Christian Science Bible Lesson

Indeed this stuff is bizarre. I included one bit from it and one excerpt from the show How Tv Ruined Your Life (a fun series in its own right), where actor and magician Andy Nyman explains why he thinks the Bible lesson show is so disturbing. There is also a nice short wiki page about the creator of the show, David Liebe Hart.

In the video itself, I wonder why the video effects guy went all out with random Men in Black type background loops, a 80s/90s style CGI trip through the intestines and... city traffic? The tambourine lady really knows how to work it too! Hmmm, to be honest, at first I thought this was actually a typically old 90s bit because of the sound of the band and the visual effects, but then they talk about YouTube. This is the final episode from 2008! I love all the "editing" in the whole video too. Okay I have to stop noticing things because it seems like the weirdness never ends. This video makes you ask yourself a lot of questions.

Andy Nyman's take on things:

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